Parent/Carer and Child Classes

Children love yoga: yoga assists with co-ordination and balance. Through pairs work, it facilitates co-operation, emotional and social development. Yoga assists children to move with ease from the energetic self to the calm self, using postures and relaxation.

Yoga develops gross motor skills and aids sensory development. Visualisation helps with memory and language development. Games foster the ideas of winning, losing and co-operation. Yoga makes clear links with nature and children’s understanding of the world around them and the importance of looking after themselves and their environment.

Yoga increases confidence and provides a platform for children to show their developing skills (postures and balance). Yoga develops self-control through concentration/relaxation techniques, listening to others and taking turns. Yoga fosters a child’s curiosity about themselves and the world around them.

As children get older and begin the journey into puberty. They experience significant changes not only in their physical body, but in their emotions and sense of self. It can be a time of self-doubt and increased awareness and influence of peers, advertising, fashion and music. It’s a tricky time and yoga can assist children to know themselves and respond with confidence.

As the parent/carer you can attend classes with your child(ren) and enjoy the fun with them!